Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Are We Really Human?

Are we really human?

I've spent many years thinking about life, this planet, why the hell we are here and what we're supposed to be doing.

I've come to the conclusion that we're not really human after all and that perhaps this world isn't even real.

You don't have to believe me but consider what I have to say then decide for yourself.

  • There are times I feel like I'm part human but partly not really connected to or even really on this planet.  I look around and feel like I'm in a foreign place that doesn't make sense and isn't really me.  That's the first clue that maybe things aren't what they appear.  I used to think I was crazy, but now I think those moments are actually glimpses of reality.  Next time it happens to you, instead of writing it off as crazy, stop and take a moment to consider that maybe, just maybe you're seeing reality for a minute.  If this is true and the world isn't really real, it changes everything.  See?
  • My dreams are sometimes more real than my waking state.  Do you have that experience too?  Weather they're pleasant dreams or nightmares, my dreams often are so real that I'm disappointed when I wake up.  This is further evidence to me that the world I see in my waking state maybe isn't the real one.  What about your dreams?  Can you see it for yourself too?
  • There is scientific evidence that the Universe may be a hologram.  Here are a couple links:
    In my opinion it's still too early to say one way or another for sure but if it is then it's also possible we can manipulate it.  If we can then we can actually change our lives to be what we want, rather than what we think is thrown on us.
  • I know things.  You might say I'm psychic but you might also say that the non-human part of me is connected to a communication conduit far beyond anything we understand as humans with limited abilities.  One of the reasons I chose to stay on this planet was to explore that possibility and learn to develop and use these abilities to manipulate life (instead of life manipulating me).  This alone has been worth the stay.  I'd recommend you give it a go yourself.
  • Movies opened my mind to many possibilities.  The Matrix was one of the first movies to really show the world we know as "not what it seems."  The Truman Show was another.  Wow what if the hell you're living in is a great big, made up Seahaven, and nothing is real at all.  Would you want to get out?  Or would you get super pissed and get revenge on those who did this to you?  I'd get pissed and maybe eventually I'd get out, but not until I taught a few people a few things.
  • Video games have also opened my mind, especially MMORPG games.  What if we're nothing more than characters in games like this and our world is a simulation?  And what if we live and die, then respawn to do it again (reincarnation?).  Could be possible.  And ultimately, what if the technology is so advanced that we've become sentient and can tune in to the game creators and players controlling our character, and eventually influence how the game is played.  Think about that for a while.  Kind of makes you want to get a few more levels before you check out.

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