Monday, October 27, 2014

Where is your head?

An often overlooked fact is that we create what we focus on.  I don't mean "create" as in making things materialize out of thin air.  I mean create as in our reality is very much the result of where our head is.

The more you think about something, especially if you're dwelling on it a lot and are very emotionally involved, the more it will appear that your life is like that.

People who are paranoid see everything as a threat.
People who are very sick have a hard time feeling healthy.
People who don't trust anyone will see criminals everywhere.
People who feel ugly see everyone else as more beautiful than them.
People who say everyone cheats will see people cheating all over the place.
People who think everyone is dishonest will get cheated or swindled.
People who want to die will see the world as harsh and cruel, and a place they don't want to be.

By contrast, people who enjoy life see the world as fun and exciting.
People who are trusting see people as honest.
People who are healthy see others as strong and vibrant, with illness and disease being anomalies.
People who love life can't even understand why someone would want to die.

Are they living in different realities?  No.  Same world.

In our world is love and hate, trust and deceit, honesty and lies, loyalty and cheating, ethical and criminal minds and so on.

But because of how the human mind works, we tend to notice things that reinforce our point of view and filter out things that don't.  Furthermore we tend to make up stories about what we observe to support what we believe.  Funny thing the human mind :)

So as an example, if someone believes everyone cheats, he or she will see cheaters everywhere.  Every relationship they have will end up with their partner cheating, and they may cheat themselves because "everyone does it."  Except it may not be true.  I was in a relationship once where I was absolutely loyal yet I was accused of cheating regularly.  Nothing I could have said or did would have changed my partner's opinion.  He could only see the world that one way which meant to him, everyone cheated.

Same with wanting to die.  When you want to die it's very hard to think of reasons to live.  In fact the mere idea of living can make you tired.  At least it did me.  But now that I don't want to die (yet), the idea of wanting to die seems rather silly.  I have moments where I wonder how I could have ever thought that.  Change of perspective.

Think about this a while and see if any of this makes sense to you.

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