Thursday, July 24, 2014

If you're on drugs then your problem is not that you're suicidal

A lot of people have argued with me on this one.  Drugs and suicide go hand in hand.


I was never on drugs and I was absolutely suicidal.  I know others who were too. 

In fact I'd argue that if you're on drugs then being suicidal is NOT your problem.

Drugs are your problem and feeling suicidal is a side effect of that.

So yes you may call a hotline and go in rehab and be on suicide watch.  I get that and if you need these things then great!  Go for it.

But understand that you wanting to kill yourself as a side effect of putting poison in your body. 

When you do drugs you are letting something outside yourself control you.  You are no longer making decisions - the drugs are.

This is an important distinction to make, because if you go through with dying you may do so without being in your proper mind so you really can't discern whether it's the right choice for you or not. 

Again, I'm not here to tell you what to do.  But I am telling you that you owe it to yourself to make that decision with a clear head.  After all it's rather permanent.

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