Wednesday, October 1, 2014

12 reasons you may be suicidal that will really piss you off

You may think that you want to die because life isn't worth living or because the pressure of the world is just too hard.  And that may be right.  But there may also be outside influences that are trying to take you down.  These influences cause you to NOT be you, and can make you want to die even if you aren't really that way. 

I don't know about you, but when I learned that some of this stuff was causing me to not be me I got really pissed off!

  1. Hormones - We are physical, biological beings.  We have hormones in our bodies that go up and down and all around and they can severely mess you up.  Hormones are at their highest activity around puberty then again around midlife when both men and women go through a sort of menopause.  They can also get out of balance due to trauma or stress, and sometimes it takes years to get back to center.  Hormones are VERY POWERFUL!  Ask any girl who turns into a basket case once a month!  They are part of you yet out of your control and they can wreak havoc on your life.  If you find that you have cycles of feeling suicidal then a little better than back to the loop again then it could be at least partially hormones.  You may want to consider keeping a chart to see if you can figure out a pattern.
  2. Speaking of patterns, the moon can and does influence our moods and for some people this can be severe.  As emergency room workers and they'll tell you that more mental patients come in around a full moon.  Our bodies are something like 70% water and the moon has a huge affect on water (think about the tides).  So it makes sense it affects you and me too.  Pay attention to your moods and see if they coincide with lunar cycles.
  3. Prescriptions - Did you know that many of the mass shootings in recent years were caused by people on anti-depressants and other anti-psychotic drugs.  Did you know that certain anti-depressants list among their side-effects "may cause thoughts of suicide." Really?  Why the hell would anyone give a depressed person something that makes them even more depressed?  But it happens every day!  If you're on these drugs then do your research and see if they could be contributing to you feeling suicidal.  If so give your doctor a piece of your mind then insist on something else!
  4. Vitamins/Minerals - Lack of certain nutrients can really mess with your body.  For me a severe lack of Vitamin D-3 contributed a lot to my depression.  I also found out my gut flora was really messed up, which made me feel bloated, depressed, confused and generally sick.  Taking probiotics regularly helped a lot.  It may be different for you so do your research and see if you might have deficiencies that need to be addressed.
  5. Nutrition - By this I mean what you eat regularly.  Most people, whether they know it or not, are sensitive to sugar and it can really wear you down both physically and mentally.  Try eliminating it for a couple weeks and see if it makes a difference (for me it helps my moods even out and also helps me maintain focus and concentration).  What also helped me was to look at the foods I ate most and stop eating them for a little while.  What I found is that once I was in a downward cycle, my body actually craved food that made it worse.
  6. Food Allergies - I read a story once about a child who was out of control, and it turned out that child had a severe milk allergy.  Once dairy was eliminated, an entirely different child emerged.  It makes me so mad that my entire personality can be affected by food I eat, and that I have to discover it myself through trial and error!  But really... once I took the time to figure it out then my health and mood changed a lot.
  7. Really old trauma - It's so unfair that something that happened 5, 10 or even 20+ years ago can keep affecting us forever.  When we're severely traumatized that emotion can actually be stored in our physical body, and can affect us for life.  Sometimes therapy can help and often alternative medicine and healing can help release it better than conventional means.  What's important is to realize that it's not really you.  It's trauma caused by something outside you and once you release it you will feel very different.
  8. Lies you are told - I'm going to tell you a secret.  I'm very against organized religion, the media and anyone with an agenda to influence my life.  From birth we are told many lies about how the world is and we believe them because hey - it's from birth.  Waking up to those lies and seeing them for what they are pisses you off majorly, and it also shows you a lot of truth about the world.  Plus things start to make a lot more sense when you realize that much of what you've been fed for years is pure BS.
  9. Diagnosis - Some people are really sick and need help.  But a lot of people are diagnosed because that's what people do.  They label and categorize and then stick people in little boxes that fit certain criteria.  Unfortunately in our world a "diagnosis" becomes part of our identity.  We can't live differently because we are biopolar or depressed or adhd or whatever.  Says who?  Diagnosis is "their" opinion of you.  Their opinion doesn't count.  YOURS does.  Do you really want to let someone else tell you who you are?
  10. Peer pressure - This is so cliché as we mainly apply it to teenagers making bad choices.  But it's so much more than that.  Think about how much we are pressured to conform to family values, religion, community, culture, and other outside ideas of "right and wrong."  Even if we rebel and go the opposite way, it's still those opinions that are influencing us.  I REFUSE to let anyone else tell me how to live!  In fact I ignore them completely and if someone tries to exert their influence on my way of thinking and living I just boot them out of my life.
  11. Caught in the loop - This is chicken and egg stuff.  You are depressed and you have chemical imbalances.  But which came first?  That question really can't be answered because they feed into one another, but if left unchecked it puts you into a wild, out of control spiral that eventually takes you right off this planet.  It's not real though.  It's a lie that gets you under it's control doesn't let you out.
  12. Psychic Attack - People can and do send negative energy your way, often without you even realizing it.  Heck sometimes they don't even realize it.  While a lot of people don't believe in this, let me tell you it's real and it does happen.  A good spiritual mentor can help you deal with this type of negative energy, and it can change your life for the better once you get those assholes out of your field.

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